i am on fire. it was hot.
photo courtesy of nick welch. he was in the right place at the right time to catch me mid-engulf. i would link to his name to his tumblr, but i don't support tumblr. just cause ryan adams has one doesn't inherently make it cool.
oh wow this looks crazy.
if anyone wants to see this picture again, you can go here:
if anyone wants to comment on a blog ever again, they ignore tumblr and can use blogspot.
the nick welch/adam cooper blog cooperative.
nick and adam should probably just be friends.
unity not uniformity.
saying hurtful things about web log services is my love language.
burning adam's face off is my love language.
this looks like it hurt but not as much as the hate towards each others blog areas. Let's love
i would like to point out that i have demonstrated no hatred towards adam's blog. merely a dissatisfaction for my former blog.
its your fault adam
amen to that. i will take full responsibility.
hey boifreeend do you even blog anymore?! lets get going here. dont even tell me you're busy with school. PLEASE.
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